Mathura Balasubramaniam

Lecturer in Dental Hygiene and Therapy

School of Allied Health Sciences
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Mathura Balasubramaniam, a registered dentist, earned her BDS in 2019 from Barts and the London. With five years of clinical experience, she has recognized the importance of educating patients on oral hygiene. Her passion for spreading awareness and improving patient care has grown throughout her career. Acknowledging the current challenges in accessing dental care in this country, she is driven to train future healthcare professionals to help address this gap and contribute to a better future.

- BDS in Dental Surgery
- Aesthetic Restorative and Endodontic PgDip 2023
- MFDS 2023

Courses teaching:

Dental hygiene and therapy

Even before beginning her dental degree, she was deeply passionate about charity work. Her family hails from Tamil Eelam, Sri Lanka, where dentistry is often undervalued. After starting her career, she began contributing to her home country monthly. Her ultimate long-term goal is to offer free dental care in Sri Lanka.


Mathura is member of the General Dental Council and Royal College of Surgeons.