Heidi Dix

Visiting Senior Fellow in Social Work

School of Social Sciences and Humanities
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Heidi Dix has been a qualified social worker since 1997 and has experience of both adult and children’s services. She has worked in the statutory and third sectors and within both adult and children’s services. Since 2007 Heidi has worked as a manager within the Suffolk Youth Justice Service. From 2011 – 2023 Heidi was a Senior Lecturer in Social Work at the University of Suffolk, before she left to take up the position as the Director of Youth Justice alongside her work with the Suffolk Youth Justice Service where she leads their quality assurance and practice development team.

Heidi is passionately committed to social justice. She is the safeguarding trustee for Outreach Youth, a charitable incorporated organisation for young people who are LGBTQIA+. She is also a Fellow of the royal society for arts, manufactures and commence (RSA) and a member of the British Association of Social Workers (BASW).

Heidi's interests include social work practice learning, relationship-based, trauma-informed practice and exploring co-production with children in the youth justice system. She has published several book chapters and articles in peer reviewed journals, as well as co-editing several social work text books.