Professor Luiz Moutinho

Visiting Professor of Marketing

School of Technology, Business and Arts
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Professor Luiz Moutinho (BA, MA, PhD, MAE, FCIM) is the Visiting Professor of Marketing at The School of Technology Business and Arts, University of Suffolk, Ipswich, England, UK, at The Marketing School, Portugal, an Adjunct Professor of Marketing, GSB, FBE, University of the South Pacific, Suva, Fiji

In 2020 he was elected as the member of The Academia Europaea. In 2017 he received a degree of Prof. Honoris Causa from the Univ. of Tourism and Management Skopje, North Macedonia.  In 2024 was rated among the 100 best scientists in Business and Management by

During 2015 - 2017 he was professor of BioMarketing and Futures Research at the DCU Business School, Dublin City University, Ireland. This was the first Chair in the world on both domains - BioMarketing and Futures Research. Previously, and for 20 years, he had been appointed as the Foundation Chair of Marketing at the Adam Smith Business School, University of Glasgow, Scotland.

He completed his PhD at the University of Sheffield in 1982. He has been a Full Professor for 35  years and held posts at Cardiff Business School, University of Wales College of Cardiff, Cleveland State University, Ohio, USA, Northern Arizona University, USA and California State University, USA. He has held Visiting Professorship positions at numerous universities in China, Lithuania, Austria, New Zealand, Denmark, Slovenia, Portugal, Hungary, Taiwan, Brazil, Colombia, Fiji and Cyprus.

Between 1987 and 1989 he was the director of the Doctoral Programmes at the Confederation of Scottish Business Schools and at the Cardiff Business School between 1993 and 1996. He was director of the Doctoral Programme in Management at the University of Glasgow between 1996 and 2004.

Professor Moutinho is the Founding Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Modelling in Management (JM2) and Co-editor-in-Chief of the Innovative Marketing Journal. He has another 4 associate editorships as well as being in the editorial boards of another 47 international academic journals.

His areas of research interest encompass marketing and management futurecast, artificial intelligence, biometrics and neuroscience in marketing, futures research algorithmic self, EmoWear - a wearable tech device that detects human emotions, evolutionary algorithms, human-computer interaction, the use of artificial neural networks in marketing, modelling processes of consumer behaviour and tourism futurecast.

He has developed a number of conceptual models over the years in areas such as tourism destination decision processes, automated banking, supermarket patronage, among other areas. The testing of these research models has been based on the application of many different statistical, computer and mathematical modelling techniques ranging from multidimensional scaling, multinomial logit generalised linear models (GLMs) and linear structural relations to neural networks, ordered probit, simulated annealing, tabu search, genetic algorithms, memetic algorithms and fuzzy logic.

Prof. Moutinho has given keynote speeches, lectures, seminars, talks, etc. in 49  countries worldwide.

Prof. Moutinho has 39 books published, and over 161 articles published in refereed academic journals. He has  171419  academic citations, the h-index of 60 and the i10-index of 166 (Google Scholar, August, 20th, 2024).

Published Research Articles

Accessing Neuromarketing Scientific Performance: Research Gaps and Emerging Topics (2022). Behavioral Sciences, Volume 12, Issue 2 (February 2022), 55, co-authored with Lucília Cardoso, Meng-Mei Chen, Arthur Araújo, Giovana Goretti Feijó de Almeida and Francisco Dias. (doi:10.3390/bs12020055). (Rated 4).

Dynamic Capabilities and Mediating Effect of Creativity, Innovation Capability, Marketing and Managerial Capabilities on Competitive Advantage and Firm’s Performance: The moderating role of entrepreneurial orientation (2018). Technovation, 74-75 (CABS-3), pages 1-18, co-authored with Jorge Ferreira and Arnaldo Coelho.

Developing and Testing a Method to Measure Academic Societal Impact (2018). Higher Education Quarterly (CABS-2), co-authored with Paul A. Phillips and Pedro Godinho , Volume72, Issue2 ,April 2018: 121-140.

Hotel Location When Competitors May React: A Game-Theoretic Gravitational Model, Tourism Management (CABS-4), Volume 69, December 2018, pages 384–396, co-authored with Pedro Godinho and Paul Phillips .

A Memetic Algorithm for Optimizing Earned Attention in Social Media, (2017). Journal of Modelling in Management, 12, 3: 364-385,  co-authored with Pedro Godinho and Margherita Pagani.

Is Brand Loyalty Really Present in the Children’s Market? A Comparative Study from Indonesia, Portugal and Brazil (2017), Journal of Business Research, 69:4020-4032, co-authored with Jony Oktavian Haryanto and Arnaldo Coelho (CABS-3).

A Neural Network Approach for the Understanding of the Children’s Market (2015). European Journal of Marketing 49, 3/4:372-397, co-authored with Manuela Santos Silva and Jony Oktavian Haryanto. (ABS-3).

Do you Really Feel Happy? Some Implications of Voice Emotion Response in Mandarin Chinese (2015). Marketing Letters, 26, 3:391-409. co-authored with Wan-Chen Wang and Charles S. Chien. (ABS-3).

Customer Dominant Value Creation:  A theoretical Response to a Recent Call for a Consumer Dominat Logic for Marketing (2015). European Journal of Marketing, 49, 3/4:532-560, co-authored with Thomas Anker, Leigh Sparks and Christian Gronroos.(ABS-3)

A Critical Review of Strategic Planning Research in Hospitality and Tourism (2014). Annals of Tourism Research, 48:96-120, co-authored with Paul Phillips (ABS-4).

Tackling the cognitive processes that underlie brands! Assessments Using Artificial Neural Networks and Whole Brain FMRI Acquisitions, (2011). IEEEXPLORE, online publication, 25th August 2011, co-authored with J.P. Santos (DOI 10.1109/PRNI. 2011.22).

Investigating the Role of the Ventromedial Prefrontal Cortex (Vm PFC) in the Assessment of Brands (2011). Frontiers in Neuroscience – Decision Neuroscience 5,77 (3rd June): 1-8 (Impact factor-3.7), co-authored with Jose Paulo Santos, Daniela Seixas and Sofia Brandao.

The role of Brand Image, Product Involvement, and Knowledge in Explaining Consumer Purchase Behaviour of Counterfeits:  Direct and Indirect Effects (2011), European Journal of Marketing, 45, 1/2: 191-216. co-authored with Xuemei Bian. (Rank 3) Acceptance rate of 7% (in top 10 Marketing Journals).

Gender Differences in Supermarket Choice: An Expositional Analysis in the Presence of Ignorance Using CaRBS (2010), European Journal of Marketing, 22, 1/2, co-authored with Malcolm J Beynon and Cleopatra Veloutsou: 267-290. (Rank 3) Acceptance rate of 7% (in top 10 Marketing Journals).

An Investigation of Determinants of Counterfeit Purchase Consideration (2009). Journal of Business Research, 2,3 (March): 368-378, co-authored with Xuemei Bian. (Rank 3) Acceptance rate of 7% (in top 10 Marketing Journals) .

Market Orientation and Performance: Modelling a Neural Network (2009).  European Journal of Marketing, 43, 3/4: 421-437, co-authored with A. Coelho, M. Silva, and Alzira Marques. (Rank 3) Acceptance rate of 7%

Brand Relationships through Brand Reputation and Brand Tribalism (2009), Journal of Business Research 62, 3 (March): 314-322, co-authored with Cleopatra Veloutsou. (Rank 3) Acceptance rate of 7% .

Determining Consumer Satisfaction from Mobile Phones: A Neural Network Approach, Journal of Marketing Management, (2005), 21, 7-8 (September): 755-778, co-authored with Mark Goode, Fiona Davies and A Jamal  (Rated 4).

Measuring Transaction Specific Satisfaction in Services:  Are the Measures Transferable Across Cultures? (2005)  European Journal of Marketing,39, 5/6: 606-628, co-authored with Cleopatra Veloutsou, G Ronald Gilbert and Mark M H Goode (Rated 4).

The Kohonen Self-Organizing Map: An Application to the Study of Strategic Groups in the UK Hotel Industry (2001) Expert Systems – The International Journal of Knowledge Engineering and Neural Networks, 18, 1 (February): 19-31, co-authored with Bruce Curry, Fiona M Davies, Paul A Phillips and Martin Evans (Rank 5).

The Interactive Effects of Strategic Marketing, Planning and Performance: A Neural Network Analysis (2001). Journal of Marketing Management, 17, co-authored with Paul A Phillips and Fiona M Davies, 1-2 (February) 159-182.

The External Contingency and Internal Characteristic of Relationship Marketing (2000).  Journal of Marketing Management 16, 6 (July): 583-595, co-authored with Charles Chien.

The Strategic Planning Index: A Tool for Measuring Strategic Planning Effectiveness in the Hospitality Sector (2000). Journal of Travel Research, 3, 4 (May): 369-379, co-authored with Paul Phillips.

Measuring Preferred Store Satisfaction Using Consumer Choice Criteria as a Mediating Factor (1998). Journal of Marketing Management, 14, 7 (October): 705-720, co-authored with Graeme D Hutcheson.

Genetic Algorithms Search for Tourism Marketing Optimisation Problems (1998), Annals of Tourism Research, (25, 2(April): 498-514, co-authored with Stephen Hurley and Stephen F Witt.

Using Neural Networks to Understand Service Risk in the Holiday Product (1999).  Journal of Business Research, co-authored with Vincent-Wayne Mitchell, Fiona Davies and Vassiliades Vassos, 46, 2 (October): 167-180.

Solving Marketing Optimization Problems Using Genetic Algorithms (1995), European Journal of Marketing, Vol. 29, No. 4:39-56, co-authored (lead author) with Stephen Hurley and Nelson M Stephens.

Forecasting the Tourism Environment using a Consensus Approach (1995).  Journal of Travel Research, Vol.XXXIII, 4 (Spring):  46:50, co-authored (lead author) with Stephen F Witt.

Building an Expert System for National Tourist Office (1994).  Annals of Tourism Research, Vol. 21, No. 1: 1-3, co-authored with Paulo Rita.

Consumer Perceptions of ATMs: An Application of Neural Networks (1994). Journal of Marketing Management, 10, 1-3 (January, Feb, April):191-206, co-authored (lead author) with Bruce Curry.

Neural Networks in Marketing: Modelling Consumer Responses to Advertising Stimuli (1993).  European Journal of Marketing, Vol. 27, No. 7: 5-20 co-authored with Bruce Curry.

Amusement Park Visitors Behaviour: An Attitudinal Research of the Scots (1988) Tourism Management, Vol.9, No. 4 (December): 291-300.

Consumer Behaviour in Tourism (1987). Published by the European Journal of Marketing, Vol.21, No.10: 1-44.

Published Books          

  1. Philosophy of Artificial Intelligence and Its Place in Society (2023). Edited by Luiz Moutinho and Luís Cavaque. Published by IGI Global Publishers.


  1. Tourism and Hotel Futureland (2023), co-authored with Nuno Abranja, Alfonso Vargas-Sánchez and Tiago Rodrigues. Published by Lidel (Futuris Book Collection), Portugal.


  1. Marketing: Ciência, Comportamento e Mercado (2023), co-authored with Karla Menezes. Published by Dvs Editor, Brasil. In Portuguese.


  1. Marketing Futureland (2022), co-authored with Nuno Teixeira and Andre Zeferino. Published by Lidel (Futuris Book Collection), Portugal.


  1. The Routledge Companion to Marketing Research, 1st Edition. Edited by Len Tiu Wright, Luiz Moutinho, Merlin Stone, Richard P. Bagozzi. Published by Abingdon, Oxfordshire: Routledge


  1. Contemporary Issues in Strategic Management (2018), co-authored with Paul A. Phillips. Published by Abingdon, Oxfordshire: Routledge


33.Strategic Management in Tourism, third edition (2018), co-edited with A. Vargas-Sánchez. Published by CABI.


  1. Innovative Research Methodologies in Management:

Volume 1, Philosophy, Measurement and Modelling (2017), co-edited with Mladen Sokele. Published by Palgrave – Macmillan. 


  1. Innovative Research Methodologies in Management:

Volume 2, Futures, Biometrics and Neuroscience (2017), co-edited with Mladen Sokele. Published by Palgrave – Macmillan.      


  1. Analyzing Children’s Consumption Behaviour: Ethics, Methodologies, and Future Considerations (2016) (Hershey, Pennsylvania: IGI Global Publisher, USA), co-authored with Jony Oktavian Haryanto.


  1. Worldwide Casebook in Marketing Management (2016), Published by World Scientific.


  1. Quantitative Modelling in Marketing and Management, second edition (2016), co-edited (lead editor) with Kun Huang Huarng. Published by World Scientific.


  1. Routledge Companion to the Future of Marketing (2014), co-edited (lead editor) with Enrique Bigne and Ajay Manrai. Published by Routledge. 26.

Quantitative Modelling in Marketing and Management (2012), co-edited (lead editor) with Kun Huang Huarng. Published by World Scientific.         


  1. Strategic Management in Tourism, second edition (2011). Published by CABI.


  1. The SAGE Dictionary of Quantitative Management Research (2011), co-edited with Graeme D. Hutcheson. Published by SAGE.


  1. Strategic Marketing Management – A Business Approach (2009), co-edited with Geoff Southern. Published by CENGAGE.


  1. Statistical Modelling for Management (2008), co-authored with Graeme D Hutcheson. Published by SAGE.
  2. Problems in Marketing – Analysis and Applications (2008), second edition, co-authored (lead author) with Charles S Chien. Published by SAGE.


  1. Advances in Doctoral Research in Management, Volume 2 (2008). Edited by Luiz Moutinho and Kun-Huang Huarng, World Scientific.


  1. Advances in Doctoral Research in Management (2006), Volume 1, co-edited with Graeme Hutcheson and Paulo Rita (World Scientific).


18.Marketing Strategy (2003), co-authored with Laszlo Jozsa (Elsevier)

  1. Strategic Management in Tourism (2000). Published by CABI.


  1. Contemporary Issues in Marketing, co-authored with Martin Evans (MacMillan Business 1999)


  1. Strategic Planning Systems in Hospitality and Tourism, co-authored with Paul Phillips (CABI 1998).


  1. Quantitative Analysis in Marketing Management, co-authored with Mark Goode and Fiona Davies (Wiley 1998).


  1. Financial Services Marketing - A Reader co-edited with Arthur Meidan and Barbara Lewis (The Dryden Press 1997).


  1. Applied Consumer Behaviour (1996), co-authored with Martin Evans and Fred van Raaij. Published by Addison-Wesley.


  1. Expert Systems in Tourism Marketing (1996), co-authored (lead author) with Paulo Rita and Bruce Curry. Published by the Intl Thomson Business Press.


  1. Tourism Marketing and Management Handbook (1995) Student Edition, co-edited with Stephen F Witt. Published by Prentice-Hall Intl.


  1. Cases in Marketing Management (1995), second edition. Published by Addison-Wesley.


  1. Computer Modelling and Expert Systems in Marketing (1994), co-authored (lead author) with Bruce Curry, Fiona Davies and Paulo Rita. Published by Routledge.


  1. Tourism Marketing and Management Handbook (1994) second edition, co-edited with Stephen F. Witt. Published by Prentice-Hall Intl.


  1. Cases in Marketing of Services - An International Collection (1993) co-edited with Arthur Meidan. Published by Addison-Wesley.


  1. Applied Marketing Research (1992), co-authored (lead author) with Martin Evans. Published by Addison-Wesley.


  1. Problems in Marketing: Analysis and Applications (1991). Published by Paul Chapman Publishing.


  1. Managing and Marketing Services in the 1990's (1990), co-edited with Richard Teare and Neil Morgan. Published by Cassell plc, England.


  1. Cases in Marketing Management (1989). Published by Addison-Wesley.


  1. Tourism Marketing and Management Handbook (1989), co-edited with Stephen F. Witt. Published by Prentice-Hall Intl.

Books in Portuguesse:

  1. Marketing Trends (2012), authors: Pedro Dionísio and Joaquim Vicente Rodrigues, ISCTE-IUL, co-authored by Luíz Moutinho and Hélia Gonçalves Pereira. Issued by Marketing FutureCast Lab (
  2. Gestao no Pos-Covid 19 (2020), group of authors: Luiz Moutinho, Frederico Varerinho, Hélia Gonçalves Pereira, Pedro Dionísio, Pedro Esteves, Vicente Rodrigues. Issued by Marketing FutureCast Lab

Books in Preparation

  1. Futurecast in Biometrics and Neuroscience (2021 – 2022), co-authored with Karla Menezes.

(Futuris Book Collection; Lidel, Portugal)