Our Support
As a team, we are here to support you at every stage of your career journey.
We offer:
- 1:1 information, advice and guidance to help you move forward in your career and future planning, including portfolio careers and self-employment/freelancing information
- Advice on all aspects of the job and postgraduate study application process, including CVs, personal statements, cover letters, assessment centres and interviews
- Advice on CVs, personal statements, cover letters, assessment centres, interviews and all other stages of the job/ post graduate study application process
- Events to meet and connect with prospective employers, including fairs, workshops, webinars and more
- 24/7 access to our online career development platform FutureMe
- The FutureMe Award, a self-directed career development award that is designed to follow you throughout your degree, and is recognised on your HEAR at graduation
- Job board
- Instant CV and interview feedback through our CV360 and Interview360 tools
- Work experience including Micro-Placements, paid internships, STEP Internships and volunteering roles
- Funding for low or unpaid work experience opportunities in the UK and abroad via the Inspiring Futures Fund
- Support with building networks and using social media, including the creation of strong LinkedIn profiles; and much more
If you are currently looking for a job, our Where to Find a Job page may be helpful. We also support apprentices with their career planning and development, helping them to make the most of their apprenticeship experience. Find out more about our Careers, Employability and Enterprise Team - Statement of service.
Partnerships and Opportunities
We are constantly exploring new partnerships, new opportunities and seeking student feedback to make sure we are offering the best support to our students. Some of our key partners include:
Sanctuary Graduates to provide targeted job and internship opportunities
Bodyswaps, who provide you with access to innovative and immersive VR modules (headsets available!) that help you improve your interview technique
Bright Network offer a variety of targeted career development opportunities including online courses in all sectors
Our Enterprise and Entrepreneurship team run a fantastic range of activities to support students and graduates that want to build their own business or establish themselves as freelancers. During 2022 we launched our first Social Enterprise Bootcamp, awarding three successful student groups with funds to explore their business ideas and community solutions. This ran successfully again in summer 2023 with two student groups taking home the prize and will be running again in 2024!
We are excited to announce the opening of the brand new Enterprise and Career Zone for the start of the 2023-24 academic year. This will help to make the CEE team as accessible as possible by giving students the option to walk in and get advice on that same day. We also encourage students and graduates to book 1:1 appointments with their Consultants if a pre-booked meeting is more suited to their schedule.
The Team are based in Ipswich, but is accessible to current University of Suffolk students who are studying in the following locations: Ipswich, East Coast College, Suffolk New College, and West Suffolk College. Graduates from these locations who have been awarded a University of Suffolk or UCS degree can also access our support for life. However, if you are enrolled onto a University of Suffolk course at Global Banking School, London School of Commerce, Unitas, Unicaf, or another location/institution not listed above, you will need to contact the Careers or Student Services Team at your institution for support.