Zoe Grant
Senior Lecturer in Therapeutic Radiography
- Phone
- +44 (0)1473 338550
- z.grant3@uos.ac.uk
- School/Directorate
- School of Allied Health Sciences
As Senior Lecturer in the School of Allied Health Sciences, Zoe enjoys teaching across programmes (undergraduate and postgraduate), sharing her specialist knowledge of radiotherapy and oncology. Zoe joined University of Suffolk at the beginning of 2018, as a lecturer in Therapeutic Radiography, until which she had worked clinically as a Senior Therapeutic Radiographer within the NHS.
Following a recent secondment as AHP lead for Immersive Technology and Simulation, Zoe has an interest in the utilisation of a range of technologies to enhance clinical simulation education.
Therapeutic Radiography is a specialist profession and Zoe continues to work with several partners to ensure there is continuity in raising the profile of the profession, recently completing a College of Radiographers funded project to explore therapeutic radiographer career outreach in the UK, as well as NHSE funded projects to improve routes in to AHP degree programmes for Armed Forces Personnel. Further to this, Zoe is keen to support the current cancer workforce and engaged in several projects nationally, alongside completing her PhD in which she will explore if there is a role for therapeutic radiographers within primary care to improve care for cancer patients.
- Case based learning, flipped classroom and interactive approaches developed across my teaching delivery.
- Developing clinical skills teaching and clinical simulation across AHP programmes, particularly the therapeutic radiography programme and consideration of these for online delivery to enhance student experience.
- Specialist subject knowledge – female reproductive cancers, living well with and beyond cancer, prehabilitation & rehabilitation in cancer care.
- Module leadership across BSc.(Hons) Therapeutic Radiography, as well as Living Well with Cancer module within MSc. Advanced Practice.
- Designing a student negotiated assessment within the Level 6 Living Well with and Beyond Cancer module and the Level 7 Living Well with Cancer module.
I am currently studying to gain a PhD – exploring if there is a role for therapeutic radiographers in primary care to improve care for patients living with cancer.
Specialist subject knowledge
- radiotherapy
- therapeutic radiography
- female reproductive cancers
- living well with and beyond cancer
- prehabilitation & rehabilitation in cancer care
Research Interests
- Living Well with Cancer
- Cancer Workforce
- AHP Workforce
- Prehabilitation and rehabilitation in cancer care
- Pelvic Radiation Disease
- Late Effects of radiotherapy Undergraduate and postgraduate research project supervision – working as the academic lead across several undergraduate group research projects and individual postgraduate research projects, supporting students to submit their work for publication and/or presentation at conferences.
Cox, A., Grant Z., Raine, R., Westcot, L (2023) Armed Forces into Allied Health: Routes to academic study for career changers. Health Education England.
Grant, Z. (2020) ‘Introducing a cancer survivorship module into the undergraduate radiotherapy curriculum’. Radiography. 26:S1 p.S2
Project Lead for Health Education England (HEE) funded project - Identifying the gaps in Recognition Prior to Learning (RPL) credit and entry requirements of Armed Forces Personnel entering AHP training programmes.
Project Lead for HEE funded project to improve recruitment to the therapeutic radiography programme. This will be investigating use of interactive and online resources development to widen reach, to increase applications and in turn number of enrolled students.
With an interest in living well with cancer, I am keen to develop and improve education resources for the cancer workforce, to ensure service users and their families and carers experience the best quality of life.
Working as part of a multi-institutional programme to develop clinical simulation for radiography education across Europe, as part of the legacy of the COVID-19 pandemic and the Erasmus exchange programme.
Health Care Professionals Council (HCPC)
Society & College of Radiography
HE Fellowship
Member of the national writing group for Therapeutic Radiography Enhanced Level Apprenticeship.
Member of the National Steering Group for Therapeutic Radiography Careers.
Member of the Late Effects of Radiography Specialist Interest Group, Society & College of Radiographers.