Student and Graduate Stories

Bethany Richardson - BSc (Hons) Adult Nursing

nursing student working on a simulated patient

Bethany, a 3rd Year student studying BSc (Hons) Adult Nursing shares why she chose to study in Suffolk including what she likes about the university and her experiences as a student to date.

Whilst I had offers from other universities, the University of Suffolk was a great location for me personally and had much more of the community feel I was seeking as a nursing student. The Ipswich campus is within one location; you don’t have to travel to get to different parts like other universities I visited which was a huge bonus.

The support I have received from the University of Suffolk has been second to none. The lecturers are always at the end of an email and usually get back to you within a few hours. The new health and wellbeing building is state of the art and has everything you need to practice clinical skills. Our modules are delivered in a ‘block and blend’ format which means we focus on one module at a time, which allows students to make the most of all the learning resources given to us without distraction.

The university has a great support network in place for both personal and academic needs. The librarians and the study skills tutors are always available and willing to help with reaching your academic goals. Being a nursing student has helped me to grow my confidence both personally and professionally; I have gained so much knowledge and any time I have needed clarity on certain aspects of a module, I have been able to access support.

Having visiting fellows and nursing professional come in to speak with us has really developed my knowledge and has given context to my learning experience.

Benjamin Toye, BSc (Hons) Adult Nursing Graduate

Nurses fob watch

Benjamin, a BSc (Hons) Adult Nursing Graduate, Class of 2021, shares his experience of studying at the University of Suffolk.

There is so much I enjoy about the course, it is hard to say what I enjoy the most. During theory blocks I really enjoy being around like-minded people. Before I started the course I was worried about how I was going to get on in a completely different environment to what I had been used to for the last 6 years, I was more nervous starting this degree at the age of 28 than my first degree when I was 18. My anxiety was quickly calmed though, I can honestly say that there is something special about everyone on this course. In fact, seeing people do well on this course is one thing that has inspired me along the way. I am now in my final year and I see fellow students on placement who have grown and developed so much, people who sat in silence during lectures in the first year are now handing over patients with confidence to senior members of staff or even groups of staff. Everyone has achieved so much and we have all worked so hard to get where we are today.

Without doubt the most enjoyable element of the University of Suffolk for me is the whole atmosphere. If you want to be in a crazy busy city that never sleeps and take overcrowded public transport to an overcrowded university then University of Suffolk is not for you! There is a real sense of community and calm. The facilities available to nursing students are perfect. For academic studies, the lecture halls and smaller seminar rooms are great and facilitate both central lectures and smaller group-based tasks. The library has plenty of space for individual study and group work. Also, the amount of online resources available is incredible and very user friendly. As part of our studies we have had a lot of sessions in the James Heir building which is a specialist clinical simulation suite that have lots of rooms for smaller group work to really get hands on practice with clinical skills such as CPR and medicines management. 

Lucy, a 3rd Year student studying BSc (Hons) Adult Nursing shares why she chose to study in Suffolk including what she likes about the university and her experiences as a student to date.

I applied to study at the University of Suffolk because of its reputation for providing outstanding support to students. After I completed my course interview, it became apparent that the university prioritises its students' wellbeing and success, providing a variety of resources to support their academic development. I was also very impressed with the university's modern skills centre.  As someone who wants to participate in hands-on learning experiences and develop practical skills related to adult nursing, having access to advanced facilities like these seemed important.  Being a mature student with children, the university was in a perfect location to be able to commute there and still enjoy family time.


I feel the University's key asset is its capacity to support students not only academically but also while they are on placement. I’ve thoroughly enjoyed my time at the University of Suffolk and gained some lifelong friends along the way. Placements are satisfying and there are numerous opportunities to expand your abilities.

Prior to becoming a student at the University, I had not done any kind of caring or healthcare work before. I am shortly due to graduate and am ready to become a registered nurse and feel my abilities and skills have grown enormously.

There are lots of ways in which you can get support from which include academic skills advisors, your personal academic coach and the student support team while on placement to name a few.

I had the opportunity to visit Japan while studying, which included a visit to Keio University Hospital; it was an incredible once in a lifetime experience that I will never forget. It gave me the chance to talk to lots of different student nurses and discover the different ways in which they work whilst learning more about the ageing population.