Our Plans for the Future

VAWGRN landscape logo

Research Events: In our first 18 months, we ran a series of online webinars with a broad line-up of speakers. Watch recordings of the sessions, along with some of the resources shared. Moving forward, we are creating a Research Events Steering Group to ensure continued improvement and action so that we platform diverse voices in a constructive way. We will also look to bring research-focused events in person, while continuing with online options to protect accessibility. As part of this, we will review our commitment to providing research events for free, whilst also seeking funding and collaborating with other networks in order to enable fair payment for speakers.

Early Career Researchers: We are working hard to establish our growing ECR network with the input of our ECR members. The ECR network is growing quickly and we now have over X ECR members. Our aim is to foster a nurturing environment within which researcher welfare and development is paramount, providing mentoring, access to resources, webinars, opportunities to present, and encouraging collaboration with colleagues in the field.  We hosted our first virtual social event via Gather Town in June 2021, which was well received by those who attended. We intend to host monthly virtual social events commencing in September 2021. Over 2021/22, we are planning to develop a virtual co-working space for our ECR network members, an ECR network directory, and launch our mentor/mentee scheme where we will encourage ‘reciprocal mentorship’.

Specialist Interest Groups: We are taking a phased approach to developing our SIGs. We are currently in the process of setting up pilot SIGs that will be coordinated by our network members who have expressed an interest in leading one. These groups can serve a variety of purposes, from specific social networks that bring together researchers on a specialised topic, to writing groups, peer review, journal clubs or project collaboration. We anticipate that SIGs will differ depending upon topics and facilitators, and we are developing this project from the bottom up. We are open to  supporting facilitators in their vision for the SIG, rather than dictating a specific framework for how these will run. We assume the setting up of the SIGs will be an organic process and one that will develop as we increase and diversify our membership further. We anticipate through our events and activities to develop a clearer picture of where the gaps are. The raising of awareness of intersectional dimensions is one of our priorities.

Website: Our website is being developed to as a resource for network members and anyone interested in research on violence against women and girls. We have a news feed and sections providing resources from our webinars and other events along with sections including resources from the network more broadly.

Twitter: The @VAWGRN account has grown exponentially since it began in February 2020. The feed is managed by the VAWGRN’s Social Media Coordinator and members of the team post and retweet links to relevant events and articles, and promote research concerning VAWG. The feed has been integral to the promotion of VAWGRN research events. The Twitter team also feature academics and practitioners working in the VAWG space to promote their work and encourage collaboration.