Special Interest Groups

We are incredibly excited to announce two of our new Special Interest Groups: the Media group and the Technology group!

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Media SIG

The Media SIG has been set up by a group of academics in the field of violence against women. Our aim is to critically appraise the different ways that gendered violence is portrayed in the media and whether representation reinforces or challenges negative attitudes about women, sexual violence, and society. We will be hosting events, writing articles, and inviting people to take part in different ways. For queries or more information on the Media SIG group, please contact Amy Beddows

We organized our first event: a panel discussion on Micheala Coel’s riveting drama ‘I May Destroy you’, discussing the importance of media in the  research and perception of violence against women and girls. Please read an article written by our team

Technology SIG

Online and technology-based gender-based violence is on the rise. The Council of Europe Expert Group on Action against Violence against Women and Domestic Violence published, in 2021, their General Recommendation No.1 on the digital dimension of violence against women, and a growing body of evidence shows that there is a gendered element to online interactions, and that technology can facilitate the abuse of women and girls. The Technology-Based Violence research group is for anyone with an interest in research on any aspects of technology-based violence. 

The Technology-Based Violence sub-group is planning a series of in-person and online seminars for spring and summer 2023 on The Online Safety Bill and Technology-Based Violence. Anyone interested in presenting should contact Aislinn O’Connell with a brief description of their suggested topic. Expressions of interest in hosting a seminar discussion are also warmly welcomed.