VAWGRN Webinars

As a network, we have decided to start hosting webinars from July of 2020.

VAWGRN landscape logo

Within these webinars, we aim to host relevant research topics. Each webinar will include presentations and the opportunity for follow-up questions and discussion times. We hope to see you there!

Researching Strangulation - 5th June 2024

Addressing Secondary Trauma in Emotionally Challenging Research: A Workshop - 15th May 2024

Alcohol-involved Sexual Assault: Occurrence, Prevention, and Response - 1st May 2024


Member's Corner: Two Years in the Making - 18th October 2023

Violence Against Disabled Women - 14th June 2023

Tools for Successful Publishing - 31st May 2023

Violence Against Women in South Asian Communities - 8th February 2023


Holding Things in Tension While Researching Violence Against Women & Girls - 6th May 2021

  • Speakers: Fiona Vera-Gray (Durham University), Ava Kanyeredzi (University of East London), Liz Kelly (London Metropolitan University)
  • Chair: Olivia Smith, Loughborough University 

Domestic Violence & Abuse: The Impact of Covid Updated - 3rd June 2021

Wellbeing & Empowerment Through Funding Proposals: Principles for Inclusivity when Developing Bids - 1st July 2021

What Impact will the Police Crime Sentencing & Courts Bill have on Survivors? - 2nd September 2021 

  • Speakers: Sita Bilani (King’s College London), Janey Starling (level up), Estelle Du Boulay (ROW)
  • Chair: Molly Akhurst

Members Corner: A collection of research updates from our members - 7th October 2021

  • Speakers: Michaela Campbell (Warwick University) and Rianna Raymond-Williams (Glasgow Caledonian University); Nadia Wager (Huddersfield University); Amy Beddows (CWASU, London Met)
  • Chair: Prof Amina Memon

Sexual violence and the policy landscape - 4th November 2021

  • Speakers: Becca Brunk (University of Lincoln); Eithne Dowds (Queens University Belfast); Bryony Benyon ; Representative from Galop


VAWG Research and BLM - 5th November 2020

  • Speakers: Geetanjali Gangoli, Durham University; Michaela Campbell, University of Warwick; Kerris Cooper and Polina Obolenskaya, London School of Economics; Rianna Raymond-Williams, Shine Aloud UK
  • Chair: Geetanjali Gangoli, Durham University

Legal Representation for sexual offence complainants - 12th November 2020

  • Speakers: Harriet Wistrich, Centre for Women’s Justice; Sandy Brindley, Rape Crisis Scotland; Sir John Gillen, Senior Judge, NI / Gillen Review; Yassin Brunger, Queens University Belfast; Bonny Turner, Rape Victim & Activist.
  • Chair: Olivia Smith, Loughborough University

Covid19 and Domestic Abuse - 19th November 2020

  • Speakers: Katherine Royal, Surviving Economic Abuse; Katrin Hohl, City University and Kelly Johnson, Durham University; Chiara Zappaterreno, University of Huddersfield; Camille Stengel, University of Greenwich and June Brawner, Justice Studio
  • Chair: Miranda Horvath, Middlesex University

Gendered Violence and Abolishing the Criminal Legal System - 26th November 2020

  • Chair: Molly Akhurst

Criminal justice system responses to rape are failing: Suggestions for radical change from the VAWG sector - Thursday 10th September

  • Speakers: Rebecca Hitchen, EVAW; Sumanta Roy, Imkaan; Jahnine Davis, Listen Up Research CIC & Kingston University, Amelia Handy, Rape Crisis England & Wales (RCEW).
  • Chair: Olivia Smith, Loughborough University

Breaking Down Barriers? Working with Peer Researchers and Experts by Experience who have faced gender based violence - Thursday 17th September

  • Speakers: Dr. Lucy Allwright, Project manager and expert-by-experience lead, Against Violence and Abuse; Cordelia Ruck, Project officer, Against Violence and Abuse; An ‘expert-by-experience’.
  • Chair: Miranda Horvath, Middlesex University
  • Co-hosted with AVA

VAWG in HE: New evidence, new directions - Wednesday 23rd September

  • Speakers: Anna Bull, Portsmouth University; Erin Shannon, University of York; Adrija Dey, SOAS; Vanita Sundaram, University of York
  • Chair: Miranda Horvath, Middlesex University

Creative and Transformative Approaches to Justice Work – Seeking Justice for Survivors Outside of the Criminal Legal System - Wednesday 30th September

  • Speakers: Aviah Sarah Day, Birkbeck University; Kamilah Tomlinson, Counsellor/Psychotherapist ; Melanie Brazell, University of California; Yara Rodrigues Fowler, writer and trustee of Latin America Women’s Aid (LAWA)
  • Chair: Molly Akhurst, Birkbeck University
  • Co-hosted with What Really Makes Us Safe 

The emotional cost of ending violence against women and girls: How can researchers, practitioners, and activists avoid burnout? - Thursday 2nd July 2020

  • Speakers: Emma Williamson, University of Bristol; Kristina Massey, Canterbury Christchurch; Helen Beckett, University of Bedfordshire
  • Chair: Miranda Horvath, Middlesex University

Criminal justice responses to rape: Bridging the gap between academic critique and front-line practitioners - Thursday 9th July 2020

  • Speakers: Sarah Crew and Lorett Spierenbury, Rape Policy Leads for the National Police Chiefs Council; Tammi Walker, Teeside University; Aisha Gill, University of Roehampton and Co-Chair of End Violence Against Women and Girls Coalition (EVAW); Joyti Belur, University College London.
  • Chair: Olivia Smith, Loughborough University

Responding to the rise in domestic abuse: who, where and why - Wednesday 15th July 2020

  • Speakers: Ruth Weir, University of Essex; Nicky Lambert, Middlesex University; Rachel Robbins, University of Central Lancashire
  • Chair: Ruth Weir, University of Essex

COVID-19 and support services for victim-survivors: The impacts and implications for the front-line violence against women & girls sector - Thursday 23rd July 2020

  • Speakers: Rosie Lewis, Deputy Director and VAWG Services Manager, Angelou Centre (Newcastle); Katie Russell – Media Coordinator for Rape Crisis England & Wales; Zlakha Ahmed MBE – CEO Apna Haq; Sandie Barton – Director of Operations at Rape Crisis Scotland
  • Chair: Olivia Smith, Loughborough University